serial adapter中文什么意思

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  1. I talked to someone who did it , by taking apart and desoldering a usb to serial adapter to connect the kuro box s 3 . 3 volt , inverted , serial signals to another chip that used these - and soldered the missing resistor onto the kuro box s motherboard
    我与某个曾经这样做的人聊过,他将机器拆开,把usb拆换为串行适配器来将kuro box的3 . 3伏电压串行信号反向连接到使用这些信号的另一个芯片并将缺少的电阻器焊接到kuro box的主板上。


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  3. serial access system 什么意思
  4. serial access, sequential navigation 什么意思
  5. serial accumulator 什么意思
  6. serial adder 什么意思
  7. serial adder and subtracter 什么意思
  8. serial addition 什么意思
  9. serial air survey 什么意思
  10. serial air survey camera 什么意思


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